5/27-6/1 被我偷換概念的「波羅的海三小國」之旅 My twisted "Baltic States" trip



The different "Baltic States"

After my Spain trip in January, I had been thinking about another Europe trip to some "less popular" countries. The Baltic States was soon chosen as my Memorial Day weekend destination, as these countries are less crowded and more affordable. Nevertheless, as I stepped on my trip, I quickly realized they possess much more than just relative tranquilness and low cost. Their cultural richness alone can make them a must-go in my list.

While calling it "the Baltic States trip", I actually dropped Lithuania (which is in the further south) and added Finland (which is not far from Estonia's capital Tallinn) due to my time constraint. In this album/blog, what I refer to as the Baltic States are: Latvia, Estonia, and Finland.

Vecrīga (Old Riga), Riga, Latvia | 拉脫維亞·里加·舊城

里加是拉脫維亞的首都,舊城區幸運的沒有受前蘇聯統治太大影響,保留了中世紀以來的面貌,走在街上彷彿每一間房子都有一個故事,每一棟建築都值得拍照;也是因為如此,作為一個世界文化遺產,大多數時間都是遊人如織的。但我拜訪的時候是個禮拜天的早晨,城裡各個角落不時響起教堂的鐘聲,多數遊客都還在沈睡,Livu Square裡的露天餐廳也多還未營業,僅有寥寥幾人,整個城區難得顯得清新幽靜。

Riga is the capital of Latvia, as well as one of the best preserved Medieval towns in Europe. The entire old town is an UNESCO-designated world heritage site. Many cathedrals, shops and houses have been there and unaltered since the thirteen century.

I toured the old town on a Sunday morning, when the entire city was still sleeping. Businesses were still shut down except few. The city was filled with bell sounds from cathedrals, reminding people that was a Sunday (although it only matters to very few of them).

Tram, Riga, Latvia | 拉脫維亞·里加·路面電車


Tram is a typical byproduct of previous Russian and Soviet dominions, as well as a "must see" for me on this trip.

Centrāltirgus (Central Market), Riga, Latvia | 拉脫維亞·里加·中央市場


Wherever I go, I always like to check out public markets. There is no better place to observe the real life of a place than a market. Attracted by fancy (while incredibly cheap) pastries at a shop, I grabbed a few as lunch without hesitation.

Turaida Castle, Sigulda, Latvia | 拉脫維亞·錫古爾達·Turaida Castle

13世紀的歐洲,萬人參與的戰爭便是大戰,路邊不起眼的小丘就能決定一個國家的興亡,這是當今被美化成童話場景的城堡最早的存在價值:防禦。當時的波羅的海並沒有完整的王國,而是在教會勢力進入之後,由當地主教與及所屬的兵力掌控,Turaida Castle就建於當時。


Turaida Castle played a vital role in defense in the thirteen century. Back then, it was a key spot that determined the fate of a nation. The castle had fallen into ruins in the next few centuries, and was restored as a tourist spot in early twentieth century, while the river next to it has stayed intact and silent over the course of 800 years.

Svētā Jāņa baznīca (Saint John Cathedral), Cēsis, Latvia | 拉脫維亞·塞希斯·聖約翰大教堂




You may wonder as I had: what is the primary religion/denomination of Latvia? Orthodoxy? Catholicism? The answer is: Protestantism, and more specifically, Lutheranism.

Before Russia gained its power few centuries ago, Latvia was mostly influenced by German and Scandinavian cultures. As a result, soon after Martin Luther led a great number of German churches to depart from Roman Catholicism, the churches in Lativia followed and formed their own state church, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia.

Unlike the cathedrals with magnificent relief and stain glass in southern Europe, churches here look aged and ragged, although the bell towers are as tall as those elsewhere. Sadly, those earliest Protestant countries are now nations with the lowest church attendance.


Dinner: trout, served with mashed potato; breakfast: various sausages and smoked meats.

Cēsis Castle, Cēsis, Latvia | 拉脫維亞·塞西斯·塞西斯城堡

塞西斯城堡和前面的Turaida Castle以及聖約翰大教堂一樣,都是十三世紀的作品,也都經歷過數次戰亂。在二十世紀前期,已經傾圮的城堡被認為有歷史和觀光價值,因此重新補強並且重建缺失部分。


Cēsis Castle functioned similarly as Turaida Castle, and was restored for the same purpose. A memorable experience of the castle visit is: there is no light inside. You have to navigate the dark rooms and spiral stairs with a candle provided by the castle museum. While feeling creepy in the beginning, I soon realized that was the best way to explore the castle, as what people centuries back would do.

Railway Station, Valga, Estonia | 愛沙尼亞·Valga·火車站

我搭著無空調、帶有直落式廁所的火車一路向北,來到這個拉脫維亞和愛沙尼亞的交界處。如同所有申根區(Schengen Area)內的國家邊界,這裡是沒有邊境檢查的,甚至看不出這裡是兩個國家的交界處(除了兩國的火車外觀不太一樣之外)。一個島式月台,一邊停著載著我到這裡的拉脫維亞火車,另一邊停著我將要搭上的愛沙尼亞火車,五秒鐘內可以轉車兼出入境完畢。


A two-hour non-AC train ride brought me to the Lativia-Estonia border. Except a few small towns, the entire trip was with forest and farmlands. At the border town Valga, there is no border control. The Lativian train and the Estonian train would stop on either side of a platform. Going from one country to another simply means to walk across the 2-meter wide platform.

Chimneys, cargo trains and warehouses are relics of the Soviet industrialization.

Tartu, Estonia | 愛沙尼亞·塔爾圖

塔爾圖是愛沙尼亞東南方的大學城,也是個建築充滿日耳曼風格影響的老城,位在市中心的Town Hall色調相當溫暖而熱情,(也正好是我最喜歡的粉紅色,哈哈。)

塔爾圖大教堂(Tartu toomkirik; Tartu Cathedral)是歐洲知名教堂中的異類,它在十六世紀因為宗教改革(Protestant Reformation)而被當時反對羅馬教廷的新教徒摧毀之後,就一直沒有重建,僅有原本神壇所在的圓弧部分被改建為大學的圖書館,其他部分則繼續以雄偉的廢墟之姿吸引觀光客。

As a college town, Tartu is vibrant and neat. German influence can be observed in its architecture. Particularly, I really like the pick town hall (which is my favorite color) standing at the center of the old city.

Tartu cathedral has stayed as a ruin since the sixteen century, when it was destroyed by Protestants during the reformation. The front sanctuary was later renovated as a university library, while the rest of the building stay uncovered and weathered, and became an iconic symbol of this city.

Rahva Raamat, Tartu, Estonia | 愛沙尼亞·塔爾圖·人民書店

這是一家愛沙尼亞的連鎖書店,也是我用來打發晚上時間的地方。不像美國那些書越來越少、人潮越來越冷清的Barnes & Noble,這裡的書店可是活躍的很,內部還充滿著獨樹一格的裝飾。

Unlike the only remaining US-nationwide bookstore Barnes and Noble, the Estonian equivalent (Rahva Raamat, which means "people's bookstore") is still vibrant and full of books and arts. Here I started looking for Estonian maps and children books, which I could bring back as souvenirs.

Eesti Vabaõhumuuseum (Estonian Open Air Museum), Tallinn, Estonia | 愛沙尼亞·塔林·露天博物館


The next morning, I rode an early morning train to Tallinn. The train in Estonia was fast and reliable, but my first impression of Tallinn was not quite positive: there was no place to buy the transit card at the central station, and the only place I could get it is at an unnoticeable vending booth across street.

After a 30-minute delay due to the ticket problem, I arrived at the Estonian Open Air Museum. The specious park possess residences collected from all over the country. An walk-through trip is longer than 4 km. Here you can see some interesting contrasts - for example, the island houses are packed and encircled by stone walls, whereas the inland farm houses are more spaced.

Paldiski, Estonia | 愛沙尼亞· Paldiski


Paldiski is not really a tourist destination, but I decided to go in search for the former Soviet monotone architecture. The town was once an forbidden city - a navy base, where the Soviet Union accessed to the Baltic. Surprisingly almost 30 years after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the entire city was still monotonous and depressing. Even a sushi restaurant is only marked by five black-and-white single-letter posters on the window.

Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia | 愛沙尼亞·塔林·舊城


Also a world heritage site, the old town of Tallinn has a well-preserved wall and towers. It was more popular than Riga due to its proximity to Helsinki. Many tourists would take one day excursion from Finland to visit here. How touristy is it? As soon as you pass the main entrance, you will see a Chinese restaurant+hostel, with Chinese words, inside this "medieval European town".

A good location to spot the city is a hill at its back. The red roofs within the wall distinguish the old town from the rest of the city.

Rotermann Quarter, Tallinn, Estonia | 愛沙尼亞·塔林·Rotermann Quarter

和舊城只有一街之隔的Rotermann Quarter展現愛沙尼亞創新而瘋狂的一面,各種老舊建築都被翻新之後加上了更大膽前衛的延伸部分,在這裡面工作生活的人們想必有著類似的性格吧。


Across the street from the old town, Rotermann Quarter, the innovation district, is filled with a drastically different atmosphere. Old buildings and warehouses are revitalized as office and apartment buildings. Estonia has had a start-up friendly culture for decades. The well-known communication software Skype was also invented here.

Port of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland | 芬蘭·赫爾辛基·赫爾辛基港


下船處緊鄰舊市場(Vanha kauppahalli),滿滿的各種鮭魚陳列著,說明了這個國家和海洋有多麼親近。

The ferry from Tallinn to Estonia took only 90 minutes. It was a rainy and cloudy day, but the ferry operated as usual. I was worried about seasick, but the ride was surprisingly smooth, even smoother than the Latvian train I rode earlier. Viewing both Tallinn and Helsinki from the sea was an unexpected bonus.

Right next to the ferry terminal sits the Old Market Hall. The first thing that caught my attention was the dozen of variations of smoked salmon.

Churches, Helsinki, Finland | 芬蘭·赫爾辛基·教堂


Temppeliaukion(temple square)一般被觀光客稱為岩石教堂,教堂一半高度在地面下,保留原本岩石的開鑿面成為教堂的牆壁,理論上應該是個音響效果不錯的地方,無奈因為親民的€3門票價格,整個教堂內擠滿了觀光客而且相當吵雜,讓人不想在此久留。Kampin kappeli則安靜一些,即使坐落在市區大型商場中的廣場上,白色圓弧形的牆壁在喧嚷人潮中劃出一個特別的神聖空間。市區東邊的Uspenskin katedraali則是擁有渾厚形體與金色裝飾的東正教建築,說明了這裡曾經被俄羅斯影響的歷史。


Just like all Scandinavian and Baltic states, Lutheranism is the so-called primary religion Although nowadays only few percents of people go to church on Sundays, churches are still everywhere in the city. Temppeliaukion, also known as "The Rock Church", are the most popular. Half of the church was carved out of a bedrock. Due to its friendly admission (€3), it was filled with tourists, noisy and crowded. The oval shape church Kampin kappeli was more tranquil, secluding itself among several shopping centers in downtown. On the east side of the city, Uspenskin katedraali, an eastern orthodox church, sits on top of a hill. It reflects Finland's past history under Russian sovereignty.

I tried to ask for a Finnish bible from every church I went to. Unsurprisingly, none of these churches could provide one.

Streets & Trams, Helsinki, Finland | 芬蘭·赫爾辛基·街道與路面電車



Trams always make a city more charming, and they are still a vital part of Helsinki's public transit network. The service is stable and frequent, even during the off-peak hours. The high ridership proved the system is truly part of Helsinkians' everyday life. As someone from the US, a thriving public transit system like this always makes me envious.

The late afternoon sun conquered the cloud and rain. The entire city became warmer and more inviting under the gentle sunshine. At the time I visited, the length of daytime in Helsinki was: 18 hours.

The Little Mermaid & Nyhavn, Copenhagen, Denmark | 丹麥·哥本哈根·小美人魚與新港




During my 4.5-hour stopover in Copenhagen, I took a short trip into the city. The iconic little mermaid statue was overwhelmed by a large number of tourists, given its insignificant size and negligible location.

Nyhavn (namely "new port") has colorful shops and restaurants. Coupled with the channel and ships, it forms most people's stereotypical impression of Copenhagen.

Glaciers, Greenland | 格陵蘭·冰河


"Excuse me sir. You cannot stay around the emergency gate..."
"Oh sorry, I'll go back now..."
"Nope it's ok. I know it's beautiful. A few minutes is ok. Just don't stay here too long."


During the flight back to Boston, while everyone else was sleeping, I noticed the location of the flight, and decided to check out what was outside the window. Then I spotted the spectacular ice shields an glaciers of Greenland.

Unexpectedly, glaciers became the primary theme of my next trip after a month.
