藍綠色瓷瓦的世界:烏茲別克古城希瓦與布哈拉 A World of Blue Ceramic Tiles: Khiva & Bukhara, Uzbekistan
前情提要 Before this post:
- 塔什干的考驗 Trials of Tashkent
- 開往西方的列車 Train to the west
- 在希瓦和我同框的烏茲別克青年 the young men who intruded my solo photo
消失的青旅 Where is my hostel?
I arrived in Urgench around noon on May 10. Not sure if this is the place I should get off, I eventually decided to follow the Uzbek friends I met on the train. Fortunately this is it! The first challenge is to fight with taxi drivers, who are the only people to take me to Khiva, which is about 30 miles away.
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烏爾根奇火車站 |
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烏爾根奇火車站 |
往希瓦的路既直又寬,兩側還架著無軌電車(trolleybus)的電線,路旁是平坦且望不到邊際的農年,和我印象中乾燥且貧瘠的中亞很不一樣。這裡是中亞兩大河之一阿姆河(Amu River)的流域,是中亞少數自古以來有穩定水源的地方,也是古代花剌子模(Khwarezmia)王國所在。文明、農業和水源永遠脫不了關係,這件事情似乎舉世皆然。
The drivers in front of the station are really aggressive. They don't speak English, but are super passionate to get you on his car. Ultimately I got on a ride that costs 50,000som -- a bit higher than I expected, but acceptable. The ride was very smooth on a 4-lane highway. Unlike my original imagination of Central Asia (which is essentially a desert), green fields can be seen on both sides.
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通往希瓦的四線大道 |
Khiva is a small town, and the driver easily took me to the location I showed him on Google Maps, which is right in front of the old city. But -- where is my hostel? I don't see any building with that name! I was a bit anxious and started wondering what happened. Then I decided to ask the closest hostel -- at least to find someone who can speak English. Finally I found out the answer -- Laliopa, the hostel I booked originally, was torn down for a larger construction; therefore Alibek, the hostel I came in to ask, became the only backpacker option. Eventually I decided to settle down at Alibek, which costs 12USD per night with breakfast included.
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Alibek的二樓涼台就位於古城大門對面,沒事就可以坐在這裡望著古城發呆。 |
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Alibek青旅提供的早餐,相當豐富,圖片中是已經被我吃過一半的樣貌,仍然令人印象深刻 |
希瓦:迷失在藍綠色瓷瓦之間 Getting lost in blue ceramic tiles
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希瓦古城大門,讓人穿梭於現代與汗國時代之間 |
There are three typical ancient architectures in Khiva:
1. 經學院(madrasah, religious school in Islam world),泛指所有伊斯蘭文化圈裡的學校,並非僅限於宗教學校,其特色是有著至少兩層樓高的宏偉大門,裡面呈現四合院格局並且有個偌大的露天中庭,周圍環繞著許多的房間,最大看點就是建築表面上以不同層次的藍綠色磁磚融合阿拉伯文字創造出的美麗幾何圖案。
2. 清真寺(mosque),伊斯蘭教的禮拜場所,格局和經學院有非常顯著的不同,其中最明顯的便是開放空間很多,從露天中庭一直延伸的屋頂下的柱廊。希瓦的清真寺不大,卻擁有非常特別的木造柱廊,數百根柱子貫穿全寺,每根上面都有著精美的浮雕。
3. 宣禮塔(minaret, a tower to call Muslims to worship),挺拔高大的圓塔,用途是叫喚伊斯蘭教徒前往禮拜。希瓦擁有一棟45公尺高的Islam Khoja Minaret,但最知名的地標卻是一棟開了工卻從未完成的小宣禮塔Kalta Minor,原本預計要蓋到70至80公尺高,卻在蓋到29公尺時就停工,已經蓋好的部分一點都不像是宣禮塔,反而比較像是一個大水槽,但因為這個大水槽的青藍色表面實在太過漂亮,因此成為希瓦最知名的地標。
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像是個大水槽的希瓦地標小宣禮塔Kalta Minor |
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希瓦最高的宣禮塔,45公尺高的Islam Khoja Minaret |
All tourist spots admit locals for a much cheaper price; if you're a foreigner, not only the admission is more expensive, but you have to buy the all-in-one ticket, which costs 100,000som. My experience is, it's NOT needed to get that all-in-one ticket, as not all spots are worth checking out. Also, some spots you can just walk in. No one is actually there to collect fares.
下午大約5點,我來到古城西隅的Kunya-Ark Citadel,也就是以前希瓦汗國的行政中心所在,過去繁華的宮殿如今裡面空無一物,只剩下賣紀念品的小販。原本並沒有打算要進去,但後來發現有個可以眺望全城的高台,入口就在裡面,這是不是意味著我需要回到古城大門口去買那100,000som的通票?
Kunya-Ark Citadel was the palace of the Khiva Khanate, and inside the citadel there is an overlook where tourists can go up to see the entire city. But that means I had to buy the all-in-one admission to enter the citadel, and pay some extra to go up on the overlook. How can I get around this? While thinking, a boy was playing a coin on a slope. Upon seeing my DSLR, he held the coin and turned to me with a smily face. I caught a great picture at that moment.
Finally, another group of foreign tourists arrived. After some nagging with the admission person, they got it without paying the citadel admission. Then I went over and tried the same thing. Finally I got in without the all-in-one ticket! It costed another 10,000som to get on the overlook, and I paid it.
It was extremely hot then, so I hid myself in the shadow on top of the overlook for an hour, while enjoying the view of the city. During that time, some other tourists also came up to take pictures. In order to have something to share with my family, I decided to ask some locals to take a picture for me, and I did that with gestures. Then surprisingly, one of them took my phone, and another person just stepped into the photo. I guess I thought I wanted to take a photo "with them", but this is the beauty of miscommunication! I got something even better than I thought.
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Kunya-Ark Citadel裡的高台,得先進入城堡中並且被收兩次錢才能上去 |
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高台上所見的古城全景 |
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原本請當地人幫我照相,結果得到的卻是我們都入了鏡的合照! |
I took another few strokes around the city in the late afternoon and evening.

夜裡的小宣禮塔Kalta Minor,打上了燈光在建築群中更加顯眼 |
坐著共乘計程車走絲路 Traveling the Silk Road with shared taxi
Realizing that I didn't have to spend two days in Khiva, I decided to move on to Bukhara the next day (May 11). At the hostel I met a Belgium guy Toon, which was on his one-year around-the-world adventure. We decided to get on a shared taxi together. The next morning, the taxi driver picked us up and filled the car with another two locals. Then we set out on the 300-mile ride to Bukhara. It was smooth most of the time on a 4-lane divided highway, although the beginning and the end was very bumpy.
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烏茲別克農村的風景 |
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當地人把礦泉水與飲料直接堆疊在自家門口販賣 |
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中亞由於天然氣資源豐沛,所有車子幾乎都是以天然氣為動力,圖為加氣站 |
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中亞其實不像大多數人以為的那樣乾旱,照片中遠方可以見到人工湖以及湖岸的綠地 |
Around 2pm, we stopped at a local restaurants. Toon and I didn't know what to order, and there was nobody who could communicate with us. We therefore decided to play it by ear. We ended up getting grilled steak, which looked simple but tasted fantastic. Just like all other meals in Central Asia, it was served with tea and naan. Afterwards around 5pm, we arrived at the highest rated hostel Amir in Bukhara. To be honest, I don't think it worths the 8/10 rating on booking.com. The backpacker dorm is a bit sketchy, and I had to take showers in a storage space. Finally Toon and I decided to settle down in a two-bed room, which is a bit nicer than the dorm.
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路上隨便停下來吃的午餐,我們吃到的主食是多汁鮮美的烤牛肉串,中間是以小黃瓜、番茄與洋蔥構成的沙拉 |
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布哈拉唯一的青年旅館Amir其實環境並不算太好,但提供的簡單早餐裝在瓷盤上就是顯得高級一些 |
On web forums, Bukhara and Samarkand each has its advocates. Some said Bukhara is more like an ancient city, and has more to see as a world heritage site. However, I was greatly disappointed immediately after reaching the old city.

事實證明,我的感受和他們大相徑庭。布哈拉的確伊斯蘭建築不少,而且非常的集中,多少會讓人有種沈浸在幾世紀前的中亞草原汗國中的感覺;然而,這些古蹟內部商業化的程度可以說是三座古城之首——過去的市集與經學院,如今都充斥著販賣手工藝品的店家,或者變成專門做觀光客生意的餐廳,其中不少小販還能用流利的英文向我們推銷商品。最讓我驚嚇的是到了晚上,這些建築都會點燈,但點上的可不是那種照在建築外牆上的投射燈,而是沿著建築輪廓伸展的霓虹燈,活生生的把這個古城弄得像夜總會一樣⋯⋯。我和Toon一起繞了幾圈,在市中心池塘Labi Hovuz邊的景觀餐廳吃了個飯,我決定自己背著腳架往外面走,看看能不能找到銅臭味比較沒那麼重的角落。
The old city was very commercialized. Most madrassas have been turned into restaurants and gift shops. What's even worse is in the evening, the buildings are lit up with neon lights, similar to the US pubs and motels in the 60s. Vendors cannot speak English well, but they were fluent when selling us artifacts... After having dinner by the Labi Hovuz pond, I decided to leave the city center alone, in search of a quieter space in other parts of the city.
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經學院的用途已經轉變為餐廳與手工藝品店 |
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Labi Hovuz池塘四周都成為露天餐廳,讓整個古城變得像夜總會一樣。 |
從市中心往西北邊走去,離開了繁華喧鬧的Labi Hovuz池塘四週,來到正門相對的Kalon清真寺和Mir-i-Arab經學院以及清真寺旁的大宣禮塔。這裡比較接近我所想像的布哈拉,古老、安靜而深邃,16世紀留下的建築至今仍然在運作中。或許正是因為這裡是仍在運作的清真寺與經學院,很幸運的沒有被商店與餐廳入侵,在這裡可以找到古城應有的寧靜。
Finally, on the northwest side of the city, the Kalon mosque and the Mir-i-Arab madrasa brought me back to a genuine ancient city. The mosque and the madrasa were both functioning, and therefore were not intruded by restaurants and gift shops.
The next day (May 12), Toon and I both felt we've got enough from this city, and we again decided to move together to the next city Samarkand. It took us some effort to find the ticket office in the city, as the locals had a hard time showing the location on map apps. One lesson we learned is: don't overly rely on map apps, as the locals are unlikely to relate a marker on the map to the actual location accurately.
買好票距離火車出發還有半天時間,Toon覺得自己已經把這個城市逛透了,乾脆就在房間休息,我則繼續滑著trip advisor和wiki travel,深怕自己遺漏了什麼重要的景點。突然我發現了一個自己還沒有去的地方——Lonely planet中亞篇封面照片裡的清真寺,Chor Minor。這間藏在住宅區小巷裡的瑰寶並不好找,但當地人似乎一看到外國人就知道是要來看Chor Minor的,不等你開口就直接把路指給你看。我就這樣在豔陽高照下來到這間有著四根藍綠色圓塔的清真寺,如同其他景點,裡面有著賣東西兼收門票的小販,英文未必好但至少知道怎麼向觀光客收錢。
Before leaving the city, I visited Chor Minor, the building on the cover page of Lonely Planet Central Asia. It's a bit away from the city center and hidden in a residential area, but the locals are always happy to point the direction to you. Again you have to pay extra 5,000som to get on the roof. I think taking photos around it should be enough.
最後的漏網之魚反而是布哈拉最重要的景點,The Ark,也就是以前汗國時代的城堡與統治中心。這裡從西元第5世紀就已經被建成要塞,即使後來成為沙俄附庸之後仍然被傀儡統治者使用,直到1920年被蘇聯廢除為止。這裡觀光客(包括本國與外國的)非常多,多到讓我有點猶豫要不要花15,000som的門票錢進去,但事後證明進去是對的——除了能夠看到保存至今的建築、遠眺整個城市之外,最重要的是裡面有許多關於歷史、文化與藝術的展覽,能夠對過去汗國的歷史有更多了解。
The Ark was the palace of the Bukhara Khanate until the early 20th century. There are many tourists (both foreign and domestic), and the admission costed 15,000som for foreigners. I hesitated but later found it worth -- not only I was able to see the architecture and overlook the city, the exhibition provided some useful information and context to understand the history and culture of the khanate. It's definitely worth.
時速200公里前往撒馬爾罕 Taking high-speed train to Samarkand
Uzbekistan doesn't have the best economy in Central Asia, but it does possess the best means of transportation: a high-speed rail system. It was upgraded from the Soviet-era rail system. Toon and I took it from Bukhara to Samarkand.
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布哈拉火車站,距離市區非常遠 |
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烏茲別克高鐵車廂,注意其長度相當短但節數多,這點完全承襲了西班牙高鐵的特色 |
The system is very similar to Spain's high-speed train Ave. The cars are short, but the number of cars are many. Security check is required before entering the station, but after the security check, the station and facilities are very contemporary.
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車廂內裝相當新穎,車廂間有觸控式自動門,空調非常給力 |
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車廂內裝,和西班牙高鐵一樣分為一等與二等,圖為二等車廂 |
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餐車內一景 |
Drastically different from the trip from Khiva to Bukhara, it was fast (at the speed of 120-mile) and pleasant (especially the AC). We covered the 130-mile trip in just slightly over an hour.
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高鐵前往撒馬爾罕沿路風景 |
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